Why Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple Cider Vinegar is known for it’s multiple health benefits.

Here are some of them:

  1. Weight loss: apple cider vinegar is known to manage appetite because it regulates levels of sugar that can cause cravings.

  2. Use as food preservative: can prevent bacteria such as E-coli from growing in food.

  3. Hearth Health: apple cider vinegar can assist in breaking down fat and maintains the right amount of hydrochloric acid which is needed for heart health.

  4. Improves digestion: as mentioned above, it helps with the production of hydrochloric acid which aids in the digestive process. It promotes the secretion of digestion enzymes which neutralizes pH.

How to incorporate apple cider vinegar in your daily life

  • Mix it in with your favorite salad dressing

  • Try it as a glaze over broiled fish, a delicious option would be salmon!

  • Drizzle or spray it on top of popcorn with salt and pepper

  • Mix it with sparkling water and add raw local honey to it with lemon

  • Add it to a smoothie or freshly squeezed juice

  • You can drink it alone or mix it in a 6 or 8 ounce glass of water with a bit of honey.

Clara Barnett