Acupuncture is Effective in Treating Acne

Acupuncture has been used to treat acne for thousands of years.  Many modern-day studies have evaluated the use of acupuncture for acne and which have shown that it is an effective holistic treatment for acne without the side effects of medication.

In the journal “Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine”, a 2018 meta-analysis of English and Chinese databases reviewed randomized controlled studies of the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of acne.  The findings were significant.  It was found that acupuncture achieved a statistically similar improvement of acne in patients compared to those taking conventional pharmacotherapy, i.e. medications commonly used for acne.  As one would expect, acupuncture patients were spared the side effects from medication usage.


How Does it Work?


Acupuncture works to reduce heat and inflammation of the skin.  It also clears “dampness” (excessive oil) and enhances immunologic functioning by stimulating circulation and collagen production directly to the affected areas.  Acupuncture can also regulate one’s hormonal imbalances and improve digestive functioning.  Moreover, Dr. Barnett will frequently pursue advanced laboratory testing so that each patient is evaluated individually.  Combined with her expertise in clinic nutrition and science-based natural medicine, optimal outcomes are achieved.


What Are the Top Causes of Acne?


-Relative increase of androgens (as in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS)

-Increased secretion of sebum

-Bacterial infection, specifically caused by the anaerobic bacterium Propionibacterium acnes.

-Immune imbalance

-Inflammatory factors

-Genetic related factors have also been recognized.


Other Acne Triggers:



-Chemical exposure including skin care products containing inflammatory agents

-Blood sugar imbalance

-Personal hygiene

-Food sensitivities and gut health



Since 70% of our immune system is located in the digestive system, it is especially important to note the role gut health plays in positive, lasting outcomes in the treatment of acne.


Dr. Barnett carefully assesses each individual before beginning treatment.  After conducting a thorough intake, she seeks to identify the underlying causes as well as treating lesions on the face directly through acupuncture.  Lab testing can identify underlying food sensitivities, environmental allergies, chemical exposure, nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances.


Are you eager to treat your skin from the inside and out?  Contact to inquire about making an appointment with Dr. Barnett. 


Dr. Barnett has developed a unique and effective approach to successfully and safely treat acne through years of experience in naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and collaboration with dermatology clinics in both New York and Seattle.

Clara Barnett