Why Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture are Essential to Your Fertility Protocol

Whether you are trying to get pregnant through IVF or natural conception, being in optimal health is essential for mom and baby.   Addressing each individual’s unique health needs involves taking a comprehensive look at one’s diet, lifestyle, exposures and chronic conditions.  Additionally, specific and functional lab testing offers targeted data that allows the practitioner to quickly focus on issues that could impact fertility, for both men and women.

How does Nutrition Play a Role in Fertility?

Nutrients can affect ovulation and hormone balancing.  Success rates for in-vitro fertilization rely on the quality of the embryo, which can also be impacted by nutrition.

A November 2021 study reported in the international journal “Advances in Nutrition” established a growing body of evidence which links diet and fertility. An improper diet, specifically one containing high amounts of trans fats, refined carbohydrates, and sugars can result in negative fertility outcomes.  The report also considered how intestinal gut balance could affect fertility.

Patients rely on naturopathic approaches to find out the root of their underlying conditions.  Many women who experience infertility struggle with chronic conditions such as:


-Thyroid imbalances

-Metabolic syndrome and weight gain

-Digestive concerns


-Chronic pain

-Hormonal dysregulation including irregular menstrual cycles.

-Chronic stress and anxiety


How does Acupuncture Impact Fertility?

Numerous studies have shown the efficacy of acupuncture in delivering positive fertility outcomes whether combined with IVF or through natural conception.  Key factors include the following:

-Acupuncture can increase blood flow to the reproductive organs which can thereby provide more blood flow to the ovaries and improve egg quality over time.

-In conditions involving possible fallopian tube obstruction, acupuncture can relax spasms in the tubes, thereby promoting movement resulting in enhanced fertilization and implantation.

Dr. Barnett has been practicing as both a naturopathic physician and acupuncturist for 22 years.  She is an expert in the field of science-based natural medicine and is passionate about improving outcomes for her patients.   Contact admin@drclara.com to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Clara Barnett