How to Get to the Bottom of Chronic Digestive Issues




Poor digestion can be caused by any one of a number of things:

·      Food sensitivities

·      Improper Diet

·      Nutrient deficiencies

·      Imbalanced gut flora

·      Inefficient elimination

·      Inflammation

·      Metabolic Imbalances

·      Stress  

Having irregular bowel habits can be very disruptive.  Even small amounts of gas can cause uncomfortable abdominal distension.  For some others, IBS-type symptoms can affect mental and emotional well-being.  In the journal Neurogastroenterology and Motility, it was found that more intestinal symptoms were reported during the pandemic and the association was directly related to increased stress and anxiety.   The unpredictability of conditions like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can be confusing and further exacerbate a patient’s road to recovery.

So how can you more directly find the cause of your condition?  Functional lab testing will show important biomarkers which allow the practitioner to zero in on the exact issues that need to be addressed.

Functional lab testing goes beyond being a screening tool.  The right lab will support precision medicine.  A deeper awareness of the patient’s precise chemistry allows the practitioner to develop a highly personalized treatment protocol.  The result to the patient is a higher quality of outcome. 

The future of medicine is a more personalized approach to managing your health and naturopathic physicians are ahead of the curve.  Dr. Barnett combines more time with her patients with an in-depth analysis and a thoughtful examination of diet and lifestyle. If you have questions about finding out more email to schedule an appointment.




Clara Barnett